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Da Tou

Born: 29 March
Zodiac: Aries
Loves: xiang xiang dar dar
agent jolin
ze ze


jie jies and kor kors

the waye
xuan er
li ting
hwee yen
mel leong
wei qi
yi jun


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Modified from a blogskin created by abstractiqqueART x x x x x x x
Pictures by ahbu
happy birthday babe

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Hey babe I actually locked my blog for this la (who ask you don’t have livejournal. But I doubt anyone comes here anymore but that’s not the point! ) eh eh blog about today leh! Test still got 1 week la I am sure you wont type so long.

Once again happy 21st!(i have no idea how many times I already said on 20th oct cause its actually the 19th now haha) as much as you do not enjoy growing older you can’t deny that you are now officially an adult!

So please grow up a bit ok? Haha. Ok la I know you are mature de just cut back on your whining and pouting and must be more decisive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are decisive de lor just… a bit lazy. Oh ya! So don’t be so lazy already ok? Haha

Oh no I feel evil okok good things have one patience ar. Oh ya side note: hope you enjoyed today! I think from the day you said your batt is slowly going I have already decided you are getting an itouch for your bday if you haven’t already gotten it. Then since no party so as your “mum” I feel obligated to add a little surprise ba haha.sry for the not say a lot of pple there I tried.weekday la paiseh. And the song (ignore the bad and out of tune singing ok) I cant say I put in a lot of effort *oops. See I am truthful* (erm I finish the lyrics in 2-3hrs but got edit and tune another 2hrs max?) but your kor super helped with the chords so ya thank him ar! Actually the song was done since july I think. Haha. But recorded in oct la.

Ok back to topic (sry ar after writing cards for waye for so many yrs I cant be less lengthy already. Well at least the whole thing not in Chinese haha) THANK YOU for being… well you. Haha. (eh the lyrics is lidat for a reason lor. Don’t understand the lyrics I can help you translate) jiu the shirley Shirley I know is like mostly cheery (despite the liking for emo songs) ridiculously funny (when she do stupid things unknowingly) innocent (I will try not to pollute you le) and skinny (too bad you cant’ argue. U tag I also won’t read) and chio (you are ok) and smart (no I am not lying) so I consider myself very lucky to know such a… well in your words, unique person.

So thanks for being like practically everywhere since a few years back and amusing me like almost on a daily basis, for being the best recorder no money can buy, for listening to me tell you about a million and one shows without caring whether or not you are interested cause I just wanted to talk, for being a mobile wood for me to touch haha, for bearing with my occasional moodiness (emphasis on OCCASIONAL), and for being my daughter(ok this sentence sounds weird) cause seriously if my daughter is like you (ok speed up a little and you are perfect) I will be quite proud ba =DSo ya! Now I wan have kids la. (ok not literally now but ya)

Ok ending already. Hmm jiu… whether or not I will be able to organize your bday again next yr due to geographical barriers (think a lot of pple think I crazy cause of everything done for this 1 day but must take into consideration this may be the last bday I plan in case ma haha.side note: I sincerely hope its not.as much as I rather u be happy I am still totally selfish and wan u there in china ba =x), I sincerely hope this yr’s bday had been memorable enough even for you (ok yes I am mean) and that you will have many many more happy birthdays to come!

Whatever you intend to do, I’m sure you will do well(come on you are my daughter, mummy so perfect how far off can you get? =x)so all the best and I will always be here (despite the offline status) whether you need songs or entertainment or someone to exercise with or just someone to talk to (that’s female and not family haha)

So just stay… this waye. I wan my children to be able to see their godma the waye I see my daughter so ya! (otherwise who they laugh at? =x)

Sry damn long omg! But u fast reader right? Haha. (if you are reading this on 20th night, its so bed time!)

Love alwayes(this actually sounds a little wrong but ya who cares)


spoke at : 11:01 PM

the one on what should be my last post here

Monday, February 09, 2009


this blog stays of course.for those whom remembers this address already and use it to navigate to other blogs

tagboard remains too. feel free to spam i will still drop by once in a while out of habit.haha

spoke at : 9:31 PM

the one where jessie is on her waye to airport NOW

Sunday, February 08, 2009
talk a little bit about friday first ba

ok lets see.i think school i only want say something shir said that's damn funny.oh ya wait one more thing.tan was trying to do tutorial.i keep asking her to watch bang bang tang =x ok shir.remember she has the habit of saying 半个年 instead of 半年.so ya she likes to add weird words in the middle.then like tan was saying how when she sleep she wont remember anything she woke up in between to do.then shir was like "next she 睡了死..." HAHAHA omg she like totally cursing tan la! she meant 睡死 btw.haha

went home then slept a while then went meet li ting to do jes' thing.omg we laugh DAMN long la!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! like we got a lot of weird weird ideas.ok nevermind later i post photos of the product later then talk about it ba.we do from swensens to macs.haha.

sat we found this in my house! I found it ok.my eyesight so good =D

so today went to meet jessie.all of us like reach around same time.ok li ting earlier.but ya i wasnt late ok! ok i cabbed =x but still!!!! main point is i wasnt late. =p oh then jes went back to see ms soh.and apparently ms soh KEPT complaining about someone from 09 whom scratched her chair -.-""""

went ichiban.ordered food then gave pres.then ate.then talked about like sec school de shi hou.omg those two laughed like crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cause apparently like the whole sec one both of them spent it laughing and making fun of teachers.HAHA.damn evil la both of them!hahaha.ok i cant remember word for word for everything but just laugh and laugh jiu dui le.

walked around thru the whole of amk hub after that.jes just keep persuading us to dont spend money.then keep asking us go home and rest for school tomorrow.alamakkkkkkkkk.i nothing to say.essentially in the end ya we went back lor.then ya.... jes v funny leh ask us don't face red red otherwise will cry.like huh!?!?!?!?!?!??!?! hahahahha

ok photos
*stun* what is this?!
HAHAHA li ting tot of this!!!!! cause we wanted black cover.then we were thinking cover write what then li ting said write... deathnote.HAHAHAHA.so ya.ok so inside de pages got...
neoprints... haha.look at how man joyce was!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cause i very sad i not inside the photo!!!! so ya i am behind the camera.oh ya from left to right: lia, jes, li ting, shir(i think shir malnutrition), tan(in an attempt to kill shir), ek.
HAHA ok read the words.is like we were thinking of stuff to write.then i say lyrics lor.then the songs she know... is not a lot.so ya aimei!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahhaha.damn lame can!!!! we laugh until cannot when we wrote this.
ok don't ask me how i can accept having a jacket not being worn shuai-ly.point is this was our self awareness camp performance! li ting, jes and i sang 给你的歌 by energy and sing and dance you better not come home by energy.haha.we went like jes' house to prac singing and dancing la.hahaha.oh shir they all sang 爱上未来的你 by wilber.tan did the rap i think.haha.
founder's day '04.cause it is 150years or i dunno what la so we had combined ij primary and sec de mass at some church at thompson.erm yes i was singing wholeheartedly.just my fingers cannot control itself.
graduation.ok this photo is not like publicised anywhere.so yes.haha.i was pondering whether to post this or not.yes i m like fat since secondary school.oh ya all the photos from the first one till now is like sec 4 de.my fringe hor.... haha.nevermind later will change even more.HAHA.oh oh i was looking from sec 1 de class photo until sec 4.i everyyr de hair diff until... i nothing to say.haha
slightly more decent hair.this was after going to nus.we went pizza hut for food.li ting jes and i are somewhat d same.but look at the other three!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok recent already.jessie took this photo.HAHAHAHAHA.yes we deliberately want to put this photo.hahahahah(parting change le change le)
HAHAHA damn spas. ok nvm

ok today's photo
tokyo sunrise
carribean dream
=) =)
li ting's tempura udon
jes' food got missing de!
tadah.it came late
seriously jessie 100yrs also wont change lor.ok maybe the hair turn white only.and my cam never really show li ting's hair colour
jessie with her drink called "mango mambo" HAHA.

seriously although we don't go out often a year usually gaps quite big in between gatherings but still!!!!!!!!!!! it just feels wrong not being in the same country as jes for too long la!!!! she is like alwayes there.

since like sec 3 her tutorial/hw is totally a necessity for me le.i seriously think without it i wouldnt have had a life or been able to graduate la.jiu even at uni i remember the first lab i had for org chem got some calculation thing i still email her can!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahaha

and she is just DAMN lame.okok funny.aiya same!my 笑点 become damn low when she is involved can.oh today she was damn proud she finally know who is cai ming you.haha.oh ya i remember i wanted to blog this.jes was saying to i dunno who "you're so smart you can open a minimart" AHAHA no link!!!! but ya.

aiya ok la enough.1.5yrs is damn damn short one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

anywayez jessie peh! if you read until here right: MUST UPDATE ME HOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i don't care if u need to get distinction for everything and need to study and study ok.

i think this might be my last entry at blogger le.i promise my entries will be a lot a lot a lot shorter for lj.so yes! jes see i am helping you keep up with singapore by making my entries easier to read so YOU MUST MAKE AN EFFORT TO TELL US WHAT'S UP WITH YOU OK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the end

我捨不得 妳這樣的走

spoke at : 4:57 PM

the one where i am stupid

Thursday, February 05, 2009
cause the prof says so

anywayez i might be switching to lj soon.cant decide leh.should i?????hmmm that means this will be one of my last few entries already.damnit i tot will make it to 1000 entries haha.so how how should i change not???

past few days like nothing happen leh.wed just lessons lor.then lt2a is DAMN big.a bit steep so like wil feel dizzy if stare downwards too long haha.then chinese.ugh.lunch! seriously damn hungry.tan went home to save money -.-" so ya shir and i went to beloved ajisen.i was so polite to the aunty and super patient some more i stun lor.hahaha.

oh oh then shir like knock the neighbouring table de chopsticks onto the floor.well done right!!!!!!!!hahaha.

ok today i just wan say one thing.cuz the prof say got this question he don't understand why people can answer wrongly.if answer wrong is just 低智 therefore... i am stupid.haiz.i depressed damn long can.haiz!!!!

ok la just a short entry cause i dun wan my blog dead too long.zhong dian is really.. should i switch? haha

spoke at : 8:41 PM

the one where broken necklaces are fun!

Tuesday, February 03, 2009
haven blogged in some time.actually i dunno why i blogging today.tired leh.i think i getting old so damn easy tired.and no lyrics to blog so ya =(

past few days like mugging for test.wasted time lor.terrible piece of shit.usually i go into exam hall got brain one leh.or rather my brain not empty one.seriously hor does tan do it HAHAHAHA. oops =x

today is dreadfully long.tiring.... then lunch started talking about how libra pple spend a lot.haha.oh then talked about how tan ultimate think TOOOOOOO much.oh then i ask her like wat she thinks of shir.wah say the answer i laugh v v v v v v vlong HAHAHA

then chinese.slept.i dreamt lor.haha i think.then break de shi hou we went to like buy stuff.then i saw this person look super like mare.but look a bit short lidat.then i asked shir.she was like ya look like mare.then we stare very long and realise is mare! so like she went ot the back and i chiong to the back and scare her she like shrieked can!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHA ok not v loud kind.but she just AH then sharp intake breath then whack.hahhahaha she is damn easy and fun to scare can!!!!!!!!!!!

so ya buy le stuff left.then tan went back buy food.then mare was still there.then like i decided to scare her again.so like tan was talking to her.then i tap her shoulder and move to the other side.she still xia dao leh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHA.but no screaming leh no fun.just a bit jump.

ok funniest part.like shir and i were walking out we saw mare walking towards us.then she said this "i actually wanted to scare you! then i realise i am coming from the front" HAHAHAHAHA OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG wat can i say!!!!!!!!!!!!! but now i shall watch my back just in case hahaha.

then we rotted.oh we like ask shir to say hail mary in canto.quite funny haha.then i cant rmb what she said to me then i tickle until i very shuang.then she like making sound and all that then tan ask me tickle again then she record.then shir became very quiet! hahaha.she just ren max.so u will hear me laughing,tan talking and shir breathing in and out rapidly.haha.shir wanted to attack me also la.tsk tsk getting violent sia.tan say if shir wasnt in public she will confirm attack back and not hold back anything.hahaha.mayb one day should test lor.

oh in the car shir and i were measuring like dimensions of everything.hahaha.yes cause there was a measuring tape so ya.then hor omg omg i am SUPER SUPER fat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! stupid shirley skinny until i wan faint already. and hor i realise my fingers are really quite long leh.hahaha.especially middle finger.and NO it is not cause i use it too much ok.hahahahha

okok i really knocking out soon.anywayez shir's necklace broke.so we .... broke it further.OMG XIANG SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!! sorry sorry random.oh oh got new show going to show on 21st feb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! every saturday 930.is new de! like tw just going to show and they showing le!!!!! damn damn cool! yay! ok back to the necklace.anywyaez tan's artwork(UGH i realise ze's new album i haven buy and xiang's like going to gai ban alr la! how!?)=P
erm tan say this is mouth too small trying to eat icecream too big

spoke at : 8:10 PM

the one on the wedding game

Wednesday, January 28, 2009
i am going to blog my fastest ever considering how long today was.

i am still very depressed!!!!!!! oh and i shall try my best to type as properly as possible but seriously it's kinda hard to NOT mix english with chinese when that's why i do on the daily basis.for those whom have no idea what's going on.facebook.cal the big fat bully and i's delightful arguement.

so yes today is back to school day which i still haven got use to the idea cause today wasnt exactly long and ya there was activity after lessons.tomorrow's even shorter! =D

dad drove me to like 5different bak kut teh store and NONE is open.wth! so i ended up with carrot cake.and ice milo.oh oh i forgot my water bottle so essentially i drank ice milo and one choc milkshake for the whole of today.so much for 6-8 glasses of water.

so reach school and found shir and tan already slogging their life out on first day back.seriously.gosh.and ya i was damn proud of new clothes and my shiny cool and sexy new shoes! ok it is just ok but still.i love it! i wanna get a totally silver one(like xiang's) from concepts! darn should have demanded earlier i bet there's none left now

lecture.oh prof posted a question.anyone knows why it is called the year of the OX and not cow or bull or god knows what other milk givers are present? i AM taking pharmocology in case you guys are wondering.

shir was the entertainment of the day.i felt DAMN bad for laughing for very long but i just cant help it!!!! it is one thing that it could happen to anyone but another when the sound waves diffused two seats awaye.well i will top up my chocs more often

chinese.dreadful.2 more hours before lunch of course it was dreadful.shir and tan went to get food! they just LOVE to tempt me! hmph! then i did something stupid.i was saying if the prof stop at a particular slide i would treat them both to icecream.then when the prof change to the following slide i was SO happy(even though it means we will be let off late) and tan was like "my icecream!!!!!!!!!!!" damn loudly.shall listen if it was recorded later

but the point is.he changed to the next slide but only said about 1-2 lines? so essentially he did not touch on the next chapter.like he didnt even intended to.so yes as promised they got their icecream.swensen's.my baked rice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! force fed to eat their biscuit for the icecream.too much man.

went amk to meet waye.went cine for wedding game.freakin hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hei ren is ultimate show stealer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! gosh.and fann wong is plain hot.she is freakin fair and her neck is gorgeous.HAHA.oh then poor waye was like my pillow/bolster.haha.i seriously could have fallen asleep there and then.anywayez for those whom needs a break and distress watch it!!! it's really not that bad.oh and fann acted better than i expected.oh please don't drink stuff too often and not eat too much.parts of it can get disgusting.hahahaha

after movie went back.ok took train to marina and up and cam whored.now the depressing part.waye deleted a photo i wanted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! evilness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i locked my card initially but like unlock so that i can continue taking then she deleted.DAMN it i was quite sad.ok i AM quite sad.if we werent on the train i would have whined like crazy.so i am NOT posting any photos today so as to mourn over the lost of that photo.think i will just post all cny photos on sat.ok not all.some FAT AND UGLY photos shall stayed buried.

ok nothing much i am really tired!!! gosh let me at least finish half a chapter.

spoke at : 11:45 PM

the one on cny 09 day 2!

short entry and i really really need to start studying and sleep le.

woke up vvvvv late even though i intended to much earlier so can mug.then rotted around till my aunt's frens came.then the boy boy came too!!! oh oh i wan to say this.i think he very poor thing.cause his chinese name is like 胤衔(the xian is in fan yi some more). seriously!!! how many of you even KNOW how to read the word!

then ya babysitted.tiring can.he has endless energy.then he thinks i can do magic leh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how cute is that!!!!!!!!!! oh then he thinks that plants can talk.cause my grandma warned him against touching the plant or it will shout at him.in the end he waited damn damn long then poke it and zhao and like "never talk!" then i was like "but it is very angry already!!! look it is getting redder!" then he stare at the plant damn long and xia dao and ran awaye.HAHAHAHA

a lot of things la but i lazy narrate.haha.then ya they left then went cal's.ate and played ps3.marcus bully me lor! i lose until v jialat.haha.oh i was using their comp and both of them were saying how my typing style is very lian when like 90% of the things they claim i type i DON'T!!!!! ugh.and no i am not changing my spelling of "waye" it is a habit already.haha.

okok i really want to study.1233 le! gosh.good luck to marc w army!!!! =)

spoke at : 12:22 AM

the one on cny 09!

Monday, January 26, 2009
gambling now.come on people wish me luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

anywayez count down!!!! 1hr45mins to chu er!!!!!! so yes i can start studying then already!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok basically what happened is my aunt FORBID me from studying on chu yi.so i have been happily counting down since 12am to now.ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh.what kinda family do i have?!?!?!?!?!?!?! tell me how many of you have a family that DON'T want you to study?! when there is a test in less than a week some more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! goshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

ok talk and think happy things.HAPPY CNY EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lets see.last sat went to watch bride wars with my aunt.not a bad movie.as in ok only la so got time can watch no time can skip ba.haha.reason worth watching is..... anne hathaway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMGGGGGGGGGGGGG she is HOTNESS.but anywayez i think it is kinda cool.like two bff whom love wedding and everything.quite sweet.oh oh i only rmb one line from the movie though. "you don't alter a vera to fit you! you alter YOURSELF to fit a vera!!!!!!!!!!!!" HAHAHA so true if the wedding gown is THAT gorgeous.gosh

then after that went home and helped out and everything.fam came.word challenge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahaha.then ate A LOT for my dear steamboat.went to walk walk with marc and cal after that then went home took fam photo!!!!!!!!! with cal.rahz.so i am not posting any photos until i get all of it.oh ya morning i was zi pai-ing.i like that batch of photos leh although got a few A BIT blur but still i like.

therefore i m damn depressed! cause today de photos i look fat and short!!!! :( so ya i am really not posting today's photos if i can help it.seriously!!!! i am so so so so fat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haiz.although my aunt was like convincing me i lost weight and if i continue she would think i am anorexic but gosh.wat a liar

ok so yes today.no cal and marc de cny is quite boring.i ended up using comp and word challenging.thank god for waye being still in singapore for most of it.haha.my grandaunt almost forgot to give me angpow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i was whining to my aunt and grandma.then like quite late le then she was like "have i given you angpow?" then i was like "i dun think so?" hahahahha my grandma say i v rude shld say dun nd la etc.but come on.i cant lie =)

as usual kids are my fav source of entertainment.my uncle bought this lion dancing toy thing then the boy boy kept running everywhere with it and like "dong qiang dong qiang" and NOT tired at all lor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omggggggggggggg kids obviously gets energy from a totally different source haha

then went another grandaunt's house.took photos with her and my ahma and i was like "whole house most chio de 3 gals" haahahaha.my other aunts were like "ER HUM" max.then i was like okok we take together like then the photo is "whole house youngest de 3 gals" my aunt was like going over and over how she is the hottest.gosh

pause ar.izzit that hard for hei ren and fan fan to be at the same stage at the same time.i watching some ch v cny thing so ya.ok so ya went home and slept.tired until max le.haha.ok i actually woke up damn late but that's not the point!word challenge very draining.haha

oh oh my uncle was damn evil!!!! is like the tv show got fish and jing teng play the fill in lyrics game.then i was singing along.then my uncle was like saying he know what activity we can do at night already.then i ask wat.then he was like "go k" then i am like "oh really? i dun mind leh" then he started laughing! he said he was kidding and all la! haha. then he say he just see my face totally lit up very amused.hahahaha hmph.oh and my aunt was looking thru all my photos including one of my yesterday de.then hor she saw my dao photo de then she was like "OMG what is this?! so scary!" HAHA.then she say i look like a drug addict -.-"

ok la nothing much le i want conc on my show.1hr16mins till i can carass my book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHA.

spoke at : 9:13 PM